Coop Trading is looking for a Quality Assurance Assistant for our Quality Assurance department


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Are you practical and passionate about good service and quality?

Coop Trading is a Nordic purchasing organization that, on behalf of Coop's store chains in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and SOK in Finland, negotiates Nordic agreements and develops products for our own brands. Our joint portfolio includes both food and groceries within the brands: Xtra, Coop and Änglamark.

Coop Trading A/S is a dynamic organization and an attractive workplace in constant development. We are approx. 130 employees in Taastrup, 9 in Valencia in Spain and has business partners in all Nordic countries.
Over several years, Coop Trading has won great positions on the list of Denmark's Best Workplaces - most recently we got a 6th place.

At Coop Trading, we have a Quality Assurance department with 22 product specialists. Part of their job is to test products. We are looking for a person with a sense of service, structure and overview who can help before, during and after testing as well as support the product specialists in the maintenance and development of the portfolio.

Your most important tasks are:
• Organization and labeling of samples for testing.
• Purchase of samples.
• Support for product specialist during testing. Eg. creating test forms, preparing samples, or cleaning up along the way.
• Preparation for category days as well as support during the category days.
• Ensure order in the test kitchen and other test facilities as well as the purchase of equipment/disposable service for the test kitchen.
• Support for Product Specialists, e.g. in connection with the specification work.
• Support when updating packaging. 
• Support when updating Coop Trading's product requirements.

Your background and your working style:
• You are practical, strong at coordinating and planning and good at seeing where help is needed
• You probably have an education in e.g. food such as food technician, bachelor of nutrition and health economist or a technical education such as chef supplemented with experience from the industry.
• You are used to working with the Office suite.
• You are proactive, curious and have a good attitude
• You have an eye for detail and are good at structuring
• You are service-oriented and enjoy collaborating with others
• You have a good level of Danish and English - both spoken and written
We offer:
• A part-time position of 32 hours per week. There is limited opportunity to work at home.
• A department characterized by a free and informal tone
• An exciting organization where the key words are self-management, involvement, cooperation and responsibility
• An attractive workplace with high levels of well-being

More info

Place of work: Taastrup

Application deadline: 4th of June

Start date: 1st of August

Further information can be obtained by contacting Quality and Process Manager Laila Becker Høgsberg on phone 2777 2539

I Coop Trading går vi op i at skabe et inklusivt og mangfoldigt miljø, og vi søger aktivt efter kvalificerede kandidater uanset køn, kønsidentitet, seksuel orientering, etnicitet, religion, handicap eller alder. Du bliver en del af en mangfoldig og inkluderende virksomhed, hvor vi ser forskellighed som en styrke.
Vi ønsker at skabe lige muligheder for alle samt sikre en effektiv og retfærdig rekrutteringsproces. Det er derfor op til dig, om du ønsker at vedhæfte en ansøgning samt et billede.

Coop Trading er en nordisk indkøbsorganisation, der på vegne af Coops butikskæder i henholdsvis Sverige, Danmark, Norge og SOK i Finland forhandler nordiske aftaler og udvikler varer til vores egne mærkevarer (EVM). Vores fælles EVM portefølje omfatter både food og daily nonfood produkter indenfor mærkerne: Xtra, Coop og Änglamark. Coops EVM sælges i detailbutikker i Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Finland, Rusland og de Baltiske lande til mere end 11 mio. kunder.
Coop Trading A/S udvikler og indkøber varer for blandt andre følgende butikskæder (i alt næsten 4.000 butikker):
SuperBrugsen, Dagli’Brugsen, Irma, Kvickly, fakta, Stora Coop, Lille Coop, Coop Mega, Prisma, m.fl.

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Høje-Taastrup Kommune

-Virksomheden tilbyder:

Fastansættelse: fuldtid


Coop Trading, Helgeshøj Alle, 2630 Taastrup


Ansøgningsfrist: 04-06-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet